
An Enumeration of Lichens from Bara Bhangal Region of Dhauladhar Wildlife Sanctuary

Author(s): Hem Chander and V.C. Chandel

During the present study, Bara Bhangal region of Dhauldhar Wildlife Sanctuary was enumerated for lichen species diversity during the month of May in 2019. A total of sixteen species of lichens viz. Caloplaca flavoru-bescens(Huds.) Laundon, Candelaria concolor(Dicks.) Arnold, Chrysothrix chlorina(Ach.) Laundon, Cladonia chlo-rophaea(Flörke ex Sommerf.) Spreng., Cladonia coniocraea(Flörke) Spreng., Collema polycarponHoffm., Dermato-carpon miniatum(L.) Mann, Heterodermia diademata(Taylor) Awasthi, Heterodermia leucomelos(L.) Poelt , Lasallia pertusa(Rass.) Llano, Punctelia rudecta(Ach.) Krog, Ramalina sinensisJatta, Rhizocarpon geographicum(L.) DC., Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca(Sm.) Zopf, Usnea longissimaAch.and Xanthoria parietina(L.) Th. Fr.belonging two four-teen genera and spread over fourteen families of lichens have been enumerated. All the taxa have been reported for the first timefrom the study area (Bara Bhangal region).


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