
Comparative Phytochemical Analysis of Ampelocissus latifolia RootsUsing Various Solvents

Author(s): Deepika Patil, Sindhu Tayade & Sunita Pal

In our country many plants are known for their medicinal properties and are widely used for the treatment of various diseases. Ampelocissus latifolia is one of the ethanomedicinal plantsbelonging to vitaceae fami-ly. It is large herbaceous climber with circular, broad leaves and tuberous roots. Ampelocissus latifolia is commonly known as wild grapes and widely used by local communities to cure number of health problems. Thesetherapeutic uses are due to presence of biologically active compounds present in plants which are termed as phytochemicals or phyto-constituents. The present study reveals the phytochemical analysis of roots extracts using various solvents like ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate and pet-ether based on their polarity. The study includes comparison of phytochem-icals present in extract which are obtained by using above solvents.


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