
Effect of Metal Doping on Bandgap of Titanium Dioxide Anatase Nanoparticles

Author(s): Manasi M. Karkare

In this study, nanoparticles of undoped titanium dioxide were prepared using precursor Titanium tertbutoxide viaSol gel technique. Using a single process, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn doped TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by simply changing the precursor dopant metal salt. The nanostructures werecharacterised by a Scanning Electron Microscope, XRD, and Ultravioletvisible Spectroscopy. SEM confirmed the size of nanoparticles nearly 9 to 20 nm. XRD analysis proved that the position of peaks was not affected by doping. The band gap for undoped and doped samples are estimatedusing the (αEphot)^2 versus Ephot plots. Metal doping decreases the band gap of anatase titatnium dioxide nanoparticles is confirmed with our results.


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