Latest News:Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2013 was 3.59; 2014 was 58.17; 2015 was 64.83 and in 2016 is 79.75
Culture conditions for shoot regeneration, proliferation and rooting of Brassica spp. were optimized by a judicious selection of explants and manipulation of hormonal combinations in the culture medium. High frequency bud break (100%) and direct shoot regeneration were induced from stem disc explants and cultured on MS medium with 3 mg/L BAP. The shoots are proliferated from stem disc within 14 days of inoculation on MS medium containing 2.0-4.0 mg/L BAP alone without intervening callus. Regenerated shoots produce good quality roots on MS 1/2 medium with IBA 0.5 mg/L was used for quality root formation. Regenerated plants get established in pots containing sterile soil followed by their transfer to natural soil under full sun.