
Harmony with the Feathered Bipeds: Tale of Todi Village of Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India

Author(s): Sonika Kushwaha1*,Sachin K Maheswari2andAbhishek Namdev3

Birds are admirable and reliable companion of humans. They have been serving mankind since time unmemorable. With the changing life styles man has become self-centered, living only to fulfill his desires. This leads to the depriving situation of other species on the Blue planet. There have been constant Laws for the conserva-tion of wildlife in India. This paper brings to light the harmony of the inhabitants of Todi village in Moth Block of Jhansi District, Uttar Pradesh, India. The site is being continuously monitored since 2013. Jhansi district is rocky with undulating topology; a lower proportion of its Total Geographical Area is under agriculture i.e 70%. Ap-proximately 7% of the area is under forest, a bulk of which is degraded forest. The Todi village has a rocky cliff that is about 1 km long and 450-500 feet high. It is an ideal abode for the Critically Endangered, Long-billed vultures (Gyps indicus), and Endangered Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus).The village is a appropriate habitat for the National bird, Peacock (Pavo cristatus). The recently diminishing House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) are flour-ishing in the village. Besides these, the commonbirds are also reported in this site. The cliffs, the agricultural fields are apt for these feathered bipeds. They are breeding successfully with constant care and concern of the villagers. The villagers (the Yadav community on one side and Adivasi on theother side of cliff) do not disturb these birds. They also provide grains and water for peafowl. The sick and injured birds are taken care of till they are healthy enough to survive. The older generation have sown the seeds of harmony with Nature in the minds of younger gen-eration too. The children never tease or hurt the birds for amusement. The threat that this beautiful abode for man and birds is facing is mining that needs to be stopped before this paradise is lost. The Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC) can be formed in Todi village for better conservation.Ecotourism development programme can be taken up and tourism revenue earning and benefit sharing schemes for additional livelihood option creation can also be executed to develop economic condition of these communities.


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