
Investigations on Megalithic Pottery Samples by X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (EDXRFand XANES)

Author(s): Daisy Joseph* , D. Bhattacharya**, S. N. Jha** , K. John Milton*** , M. V. Ramanna****

Megalithic pottery samples (Red ware-RW, Black Polished ware –BPW and Black Red ware BRW) were studied for their trace element compositions by EDXRF (Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence) and later for the oxidation states by XANES (X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure). It was found that elements Fe, Cu, Zn, Sr, Nb and Mo were predominantly present in the pottery samples using an EDXRF system consisting of radio-isotope Cd 109, a Si(Li) detector of resolution 170 eV at 5.9 keV and PCA. XANES spectra of Fe, Cu and Zn obtained from INDUS-2 Synchrotron Source showed different oxidation states. The Fe edge indicated mixed oxidation states of +2 and +3 for iron in all the samples. Zn is present in the elemental form in all the samples. In the case of Cuit was found that Cu is in 2+ oxidation state in case of RWI sample and the other two samples, oxidation states were in elemental form..The motive of the study was to obtain an insight into the cultural heritage of Megallithic pottery samples using X-ray Emission Spectroscopy.


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