Latest News:Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2013 was 3.59; 2014 was 58.17; 2015 was 64.83 and in 2016 is 79.75
The karyotypic characters,mitotic metaphase chromosomes and karyograms often populations of three species of PlantagoL.(P. lagopusL., P. majorL. and P. squarrosaMurr.) in Egypt were determined and compared with each other. Analysis of somatic metaphase showed that the chromosome numberswere 2n = 12. Although all the species hadthe same chromosome number, they could be differentiated by their karyotype for-mula and quantitative parameters of the karyotypes. Ten different methods of karyotype asymmetry (TF%, As K%, Rec and Syi, A1and A2, DI, A, AI and MCA) were determinedfor the elucidation of phylogenetic relationships and taxonomic treatments within a particular group or taxon. The highest value of Syi index was found in popula-tion ofP. lagopus(P. lag1) collected from Abu AL-Matamir District (66.682). Population of P.squarrosa(P.sq1) collected from Qalabshu-bilqas District had the highest values of A1 (0.543), where the highest value of A2(0.29) was recorded in population of P. lagopus(P. lag2) collected from Ganaklis District. The highest positive correla-tion wasobserved between TF % and Syi index (0.997). P. lagopus population collected from Abu AL-Matamir District (P. lag1) was the most symmetrical karyotype may be considered as less evolved, while P. squarrosapopu-lation collected from Qalabshu-Bilqas District (P. sq1) was the most asymmetrical karyotype and may be consid-ered as more advanced than the rest of populations. Populations of P. lagopusdelimitated in a separate group from the rest of studied populations. The center of rest populations was occupied by P. majorpopulations using PERMAP-Biplot and Scatter diagrams.