
The Light Pollution Definition, Causes and Recommendations to Moderate Light Pollution

Author(s): Rekha Jawale, Prakhash Bhadane, Suhas Sabnis

Pollution causes many behavioral, health and mental issues. The objectiveof this paper is mainly to studyconcept of light pollution and theirrecommendations that can be implemented to reduce the light pollution and make the life of people full of gaiety. The main cradlesof light pollution arepresence of glare, clutters etc. the studyreveals that the light pollution affects animal’s sleep, their behaviorandalso affects the growth of plantswhich is of major concern. It is alsobelievedthat lights onstreet, house lights attract to insects towards it. Many lights at night are not in proper directions, improper intensities etc., that affects the night view of stars and haults the study of astrology. There is need to minimize such kind of pollution. Few recommendations are mentioned in this paper to reduce this pollution.


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