
Thermally Activated Flux Flow and Upper Critical Field of SmFeAsO0.8F0.2Pnictide Superconductor

Author(s): Poonam Rani, A. K. Hafiz and V. P. S. Awana

In  this  article,  wereport  the  superconducting  property  of  SmFeAsO0.8F0.2sample.  The  compound  of interest  is  crystallized  in  tetragonal  having  P4/nmm  space group  and  lattice  parameters  are a =3.925(1)  Å  and c= 8.463(3)  Å.  From  R-T  measurement  the  superconducting  transition  is  found  at  around  50.9 K.The  upper  critical field Hc2(0)being  determined  from ρ(T)Hmeasurements  with  90% criteria  of  normalised  resistivity,  is ∼959 Tesla. Flux  flow  activation  energy (U0/kB)  varies from  3297.03 K  to  454.37  K  with  magnetic  field  vary  from  0 Tesla  to 14 Tesla for studied compound SmFeAsO0.8F0.2.


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