
Toxicity and Ferti-irrigation Assessment of Paper Mill Effluent on Agronomic Characteristicsof Black Gram

Author(s): Akhil Gupta, Aprajita Singh, J.K.Pathak & Anamika Tripathi*

Impact of paper mill effluent (PME) was analyzed on black gram (Vigna mungo T-9.).Selected pa-rameters selected were chlorophyll, protein content, root length, shoot length, leaf areaand total biomass ofV. mungo T-9.Effects of paper mill effluent were analyzed at different dilutions viz. 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%,30%, 50%, & control. At more than 10% of effluent concentration decline was reported in biomass, protein and chloro-phyll (4.8 mg/g highest). However, protein content was reported highest (23.6 mg/g)at 20% of concentrationof effluent and showed decline further at higher concentration. Simultaneously soil samples were analyzed which showed, gradual increase in N, PO4, Na, K, Mg, and Ca at increasing concentration of paper mill effluent. Bio-chemical parameters like chlorophyll declined (2.4 mg/g) and protein declined (9 mg/g) clearly above twenty per-cent of effluent concentration which resulted in decrease in root length, shoot length, leaf area and biomass ofVigna mungo T-9


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