Latest News:Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for 2013 was 3.59; 2014 was 58.17; 2015 was 64.83 and in 2016 is 79.75
In the modern world, the equal allocation of amenities amongstthe society individuals has been af-fected by the phenomena of Urbanization and urban development.Tehran, thecapital of Iran, is always the main destination of migrants from all over the country because of its dominant modernistic urban attractions. The latest official national census in 2006 showed that during 1921 to 2006, in the last 85 years, Tehran’s population has mul-tiplied by 37 and its area has multiplied by 100.This rapid Urbanization has replaced a huge area of agricultural land, fertile arable addition, Tehran total water consumption with an average annual growth rate of 23.1 percent reached to more than 990 million cubic meters in 2008 which all of These elements emphasis on a much more sustainable consumption pattern requirement and more attention to the Tehran’s water and food security. For instance, in this research for the first time indicated that the domestic production of wheat in Tehran city just covers 6% of Tehran’s population wheat requirement while it consumes 25% of water consumption of Tehran city.