Editorial - (2021) Volume 9, Issue 3

Ethics related to Artificial Intelligence

Anurag Sharma*
*Correspondence: Anurag Sharma, Department of Computer Science Engineering, A. B. V. Engineering College, India, Email:

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I ntelligence can be better po r- trayed as the most efficient and cognitive interaction of an organism with its surroundings and other living organisms. Human intelligence is the capability of humans with complex cognitive functions and e x- treme motivation with self awareness. Artificial Inte l- ligence on other hand is opposed to this natural inte l- ligence and is carried out by machines in other words machines could be capable of mimicking human r e- sponses and reactions and evolve similarly like the human brain. The study of mathematical logic led to the rise of artificial intelligence, early research led by prominent mathematicians like Alan Turing help in the development of theory of computation which form the base for modern day computers. With the help of such ma thematical logic scientists are able to create an electronic brain with is as efficient as a human brain. The concept lies in breaking down of a complex pro b- lem into modules or sub problems and intelligent systems respond differently with each of these sub parts these responses are used in creating system which not only pe r forms the task but remembers how to respond to a particular problem. Researchers deve l- oped algorithms which imitated the step by step re a- soning followed by humans in making logical dedu c- t ions. Developments in prob a bility and economics enabled researchers to predict outcomes with unce r- tain data. Knowledge pool or database is a power house AI research. Intelligence systems gather knowledge from different sources and store it and use it later when it’s necessary. In addition to this come systems also collect “commonsense knowledge” which I common to humans only who use it fast and intuitive judgment. Another component of intelligent agents is planning which enable the AI system to vi s- ualize fu ture by setting goals. In Classical planning problems AI can adapt and predict situations based on its assessment. Machine learning is also an important component of AI which is termed as the study of computer algorithms which evolve and update aut o- matical ly with time. Math e matical tools in statistics like information theory and decision making theory assisted in creating better working intelligent systems. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) culture has raised many questions on ethics of using it. Ethi cs could be simplified as the moral behavior of the h u- mans. Few of the famous research individuals argue about the profound effect of AI on human behavior. AI developers are designated to design and implement AI for future humanity and making of open sourc e AI for the benefit of humanity has always been a challenge. There are certain ethical challenges which have b e- come exclusively specialized with facial and voice recogn i tion. Some of these applications are directly linked with business which has an advers e effect. And all these systems are vulnerable to human errors and biases. Large companies like IBM, Google etc. have addressed such issues and an elaborate research is unleashed in this field. And replacement of humans in certain positions with AI which r equire care and r e- spect is debatable. An argument is there that positions like a soldier, customer se r vice representative, judge and police officer require genuine feelings of empathy and self realization which couldn’t be replaced by an AI. Even in milita ry combat the use of robots is d e- batable and when such robots can think, plan and act as per their will.



Conflict of Interest

The author states there is no conflict of interest.

Author Info

Anurag Sharma*
Department of Computer Science Engineering, A. B. V. Engineering College, India

Received: 03-Feb-2022 Accepted: 17-Feb-2022 Published: 25-Feb-2022

Copyright: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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