Editorial - (2021) Volume 9, Issue 3

Modern Wireless Communication

Gaurav Jaswal*
*Correspondence: Gaurav Jaswal, Department of ECE, NIT Hamirpur, India, Email:

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Communication is defined as the interaction and interchange of information between two individ uals whether human or non human since the beginning of mankind humans have been curious about communication. And years of evolution has led to sophisticated use of signs, symbols and voice mo d- ulations as better medium of communication. Humans communicate w ith proper understanding and anticip a- tion. With increasing desire for communication devi c- es play an important role in our daily lives. Teleco m- munication is the transfer of information between two sources at a considerable distance and this transfer of info rmation uses electromagnetic and electrical field. Telecommunication is not new to humans as early form included smoked signals, drums and homing pigeons ,however the technological advancement took place in the late 18th and 19th century with the inve n- tio n of electric telegraph in which the discovery of electricity played an important role. Initially message could be conveyed in the form of electrical signals to shorter distances but with further research first opera t- ing telegraph was invented in the year 1816 by Fra n- cis Ronalds. The invention of telephone and radio in the later half of the century has laid the foundation for the necessity of wireless communication devices. Prominent inventors like Nicholas tesla, G Marconi and Thomas Alva Edison contribute d to the inve n tion of radio. Invisible high frequency and low wavelength radio waves could be harnessed for human conve n- ience with minimum usage of wire and cords which led to the concept of wireless transmission. Unlike tel e phone which needed lengthy wire s and cables it was considered easy to transmit radio signals at a certain fr e quency. However the true development in wireless devices is the semiconductors era in which transistor tec h nology and integrated microprocessor played a strategic role. Adding to all the scientific achievements the act u al wireless revolution began in 1990s and with the introduction of digital wireless networks a sharp shift was observed from wired to wireless technology. This wireless technology pen e- trated commercially into cell p hone, pagers and co m- puter networks industry giving a boost to the usage of wireless devices for communication making the co m- munication more intimate. The technological advance in radio frequency and microwave enginee r ing has increased voice traffic and suc cessful delivery of dig i- tal data like multimedia, text messages and images. Present day best application of wireless technology is the cell phone. The cell phones use radio waves from signal transmission cell phone towers. Ironically, a device developed to increase communication has changed how members of the modern family react with each other. With excess use of cell phones fam i- lies are spending less time with each other physically. Human emotion has taken a digitized form and the interaction has become d igital. Studies have shown that excess use of cell phones and smartphones causes disorders like amnesia and insomnia which adversely impacts mental health of the humans. The next ge n- er a tion smartphones would be aware about the context available and the use of elements like Artificial Inte l- ligence (AI) would be able to take advantage of the sensors and applications in determining the likes and dislike of human beings. The technology developed could be able to keep track of the personal data of the viewers. A technological device like Omni touch en a- bles the user to view apps and use them on hand, arm and everyday desk. Network based Wi Fi and Wir e- less LAN is being developed by China which would give a sense of technology. 



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Author Info

Gaurav Jaswal*
Department of ECE, NIT Hamirpur, India

Received: 03-Dec-2021 Accepted: 17-Dec-2021 Published: 25-Dec-2021

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