“Plagiarism”  means ‘to use someone else work without crediting them or to present existing idea of someone else as new and original; Giving incorrect information about the source; copying so many words from a source that it makes up the majority of your work; Using an image, figures and graphs in your work without receiving proper permission etc.’

The Asian Journal of Advanced Basic Sciences (Asian J. Adv. Basic Sci.)’  published by ERESEARCHCO performs Similarity check on each manuscript before the peer-review process with Plagiarism Checker X software and following step is taken based on the similarity content:

  • If the manuscript is found to have similarity level 10-40 percent, it will be returned to the author for revision. Author can resubmit the manuscript after removing all similarity and reworking on the content. After revision more scrutiny will be done on the resubmitted manuscript to avoid any possible plagiarism and copying of any published data. When similarity level is less than ten percent than forwarded to peer reviewing process.
  • If the similarity content is very high (greater than forty percent) the manuscript will be rejected and cannot consider for revision and publication.

ERESEARCHCO provides the platform for the national and international researchers who are working almost in all fields. Like everything else in today’s digital culture, plagiarism is moving online, and it has been observed that many of persons/researchers are stealing the matter & the work of other original workers and publish them in various journals. All the editors of ERESEARCHCO take a very serious view of any evidence of plagiarism including self-plagiarism in manuscripts submitted to them. Every reasonable effort will be made to investigate any allegations of plagiarism brought to their attention, as well as instances that come up during the peer review process. In those instances where in spite of these precautions a case of plagiarism goes undetected in the review process and is discovered after publication, both online and print versions of the journals concerned will carry a notice of the discovery. Depending on the seriousness of the case, ERESEARCHO reserves the right to inform the heads of the offending authors’ institutions and their funding agencies about the editors’ findings.

Any person/researcher involved in Plagiarism may be blacklisted and debarred from publishing his articles in our journals forever. Further, Head of the departments and the University to which the plagiarist belongs will be intimated with the stress to take serious action etc.

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